Our School’s Project Wins Silver in the Sixth Shandong Provincial “Internet Plus” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for University Students

Publish Time:2020-10-22 Author:赵晓琳 董方圆 Views:105

The Sixth Shandong Provincial “Internet Plus” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for University Students ended on August 29th, with our school entering 25 projects in the provincial gold and silver finals. The project “Growing Up Hand-in-Hand: A New Model for the Healthy Growth of Left-Behind Children in Urban and Rural Areas” won silver. The project members are Li Zhongli, Xue Yuanzenghui, Zhou Jiahao, Cui Wenqi, Wang Yanyan, Wang Yuanxin, Li Zimu and Suo Changrui, while the instructors are Zhao Yansheng and Zhao Zhenhua. In recent years, with a school atmosphere increasingly favorable to innovation and entrepreneurship, more teachers and students are actively participating in innovation and entrepreneurship activities. This greatly expands the vision of the school students, effectively improves their practical ability in innovation and entrepreneurship, and continuously strengthens the school’s innovation and entrepreneurship-friendly atmosphere.